
Black Friday?

My Black Friday

In the morning, I've lost my textbooks and I couldn't use them in lessons. When the break came, I almost used 20 minutes to find them out. How could I find them out?When my friends were passing the books to let people find out if they were theirs in classrooms, one of my friend heard that I was shouting in the classroom and she called my name and holding the textbooks. I ran towards her and shouted excitedly those were mine( I knew I was being mad at that time, people were looking at me strangely).

At noon, when I was going to have lunch out of the school, I realised that I forgot to bring my purse. Therefore, I ran up the stairs to my sixth floor classroom from the bottom of the school and ran down the stairs again. We had decided to go to a restaurant that we really wanted to try so we still hurried up to get to there and not choosed to buy take-away in a fast food shop.We needed to have our meal with a fast speed and we didn't have time to enjoy the environment and our meal in there. We got back to the school in a hurry.  Fortunately we didn't return to school late. I felt really sorry for being careless that I didn't bring my purse and let the time of having lunch being shorter. She forgave me, and said,"Everyone does something wrong!"

After school, I had a meeting with my music teacher. And I realised,  I forgot to bring my instrument! What the heck! What could I do!? I had told my teacher that I had forgot to bring my instrument and she told me to meet her next Monday. Then when I got back to the classroom, I told one of my friends and she had the idea of borrowing the instrument from her because she played the same instrument with me and I was using the same size with her. With lots of thanks but her idea was a little bit late. It was a great idea and I was really touching.

At least, I have found out that many good friends are beside me and I will treat them well.
This Friday, not bad at all.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Please tell me through google plus if you want. Thanks for reading the whole writing and I hope you have such a best friend next to you. How's your Friday? :)

